Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.

Urja Bhavan, NH - 2 (Agra - Delhi Bypass Road), Sikandra, Agra - 282 007

Customer Care : 1912

OR 1800-180-3023

विद्युत् सम्बन्धी किसी भी समस्या के लिए कृपया टोल फ्री नंबर 1800-180-3023 या 1912 पर कॉल करें                                       राष्ट्र हित में बिजली बचाये             टोल फ्री नंबर 1912            Amnesty Scheme (Same As OTS)

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Er. Sudhir Kumar Verma

Managing Director

Contact No. : 2605699/2601316
Fax No. : 2601827/2605465
Email Id : dvvnlmd@gmail.com


To save a life.
To report a crime in progress.
To report a fire.

Business Plan & Viyapar Vikas Nidhi for the year 2012-13

DVVNL has completed the different type of works i.e. construction of new 33/11 substations, augmentation of 33/11 KV Substation, new LT substations etc. successfully .
The total expenditure against these works comes out to be Rs. 260.73 Cr.
Strengthening work of electrical system in town area to expedite and to activate the trading activities against Viyapar Vikas Nidhi Scheme successfully completed and incurred an amount of Rs. 44.41 Cr.

Business Plan & Viyapar Vikas Nidhi for the year 2013-14

A Proposal for Business Plan for the year 2013-14 for the amount Rs. 375.65 Cr. and for Viyapar Vikas Nidhi for the amount Rs. 176.12 Cr. have been submitted against which 250.00 Cr. have been sanctioned
Different new and strengthening work of electrical system are being carried out and some of them have successfully completed having a total expenditure of about Rs. 130.00 Cr.