Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.

Urja Bhavan, NH - 2 (Agra - Delhi Bypass Road), Sikandra, Agra - 282 007

Customer Care : 1912

OR 1800-180-3023

विद्युत् सम्बन्धी किसी भी समस्या के लिए कृपया टोल फ्री नंबर 1800-180-3023 या 1912 पर कॉल करें                                       राष्ट्र हित में बिजली बचाये             टोल फ्री नंबर 1912            Amnesty Scheme (Same As OTS)

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Er. Sudhir Kumar Verma

Managing Director

Contact No. : 2605699/2601316
Fax No. : 2601827/2605465
Email Id : dvvnlmd@gmail.com


To save a life.
To report a crime in progress.
To report a fire.


Save more than 50% if you switch to tube lights/CFL.
Keep your bulbs clean. The cleaner you keep brighter they glow.
When you're not there switch them off.
Save more with electronic regulators for fans.
Run them slow if you can and small fans for smaller rooms.
Save even more if you look after your fridge by not keeping it empty.Always try to stock it well.
Don't keep opening the door for too long and No warm food.